When we were kids, we were always told not to tell on someone else. "No one likes a tattle-tale!" We also were told that honesty is the best policy. Those things were embedded in my mind from a young age. I tell my kids the same things, when the opportunity arises.
What happens when, in order to fulfill one, you must do the other?
In the interest of being honest, because it IS the best policy, afterall, I had to tattle. The twist? I had to tattle on myself!!! Man...they didn't talk about that when we were kids.
***Transparency Alert***
There have been times in my life that I have been less than honest...downright, dishonest, if you want to know the truth. It is these times that haunt me. Some of the biggest mistakes of my life came from dishonesty and I will forever pay the consequences for them.
I made a decision to live my life honestly...no matter what! I have done that and will continue to do so. It is the best policy afterall.
To continue my honest living, I had to tell on myself. It was painful to say, and even more painful to hear, I'm certain. However, in the long run, it was the right thing to do, for the right reasons, and I believe, it will pay off in the end.
I hope I'm right...
Be a tattle-tale? Don't mind if I do...
A friend in PA school confided in me that she and another student cheated on an exam. I carried it around until i couldn't any more and I ended up telling. When they were asked individually they each lied. It got no where and i was called in, they looked me in the face and said i was lying. the truth eventually came out and now they are waiting on the college to make a decision.
ReplyDeleteI feel horrible! I feel like i betrayed my friend and could ruin her life. Why didn't i just keep my mouth shut?? This is eating at me now, I keep telling myself they may the choice to cheat knowing the consequences but i can't seem to shake the fact that i told on a friend. what was i thinking??? Please give me some input if you can.
you can not blame yourself for the fact that they chose to cheat. they are facing the consequences for their actions and it's not your fault.
ReplyDeleteif she is a true friend, she will understand that. good luck and thanks for your comment.